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October 17, 2013
New release: International partners launch plan to tackle invasive lionfish

The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI), through its Regional Lionfish Committee, is urging Caribbean countries to adopt a regional roadmap to control the invasive lionfish. Regional Lionfish Committee co-chair and lead author Ricardo Gomez Lozano said a Regional Strategy for the Control of Invasive Lionfish in the Wider Caribbean had been developed to help control […]

August 15, 2013
Key West / August 20 Lionfish Safe Handling & Capture Workshop

Key West / August 20 Lionfish Safe Handling & Capture Workshop Members of the dive public are invited to attend a free lionfish safe handling and capture workshop at 6:30 p.m. at the Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center in Key West (35 East Quay Road). Learn about lionfish biology, research, and safe capture and handling techniques. […]