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April 29, 2015
Coastal light pollution disturbs marine animals, new study shows

Public Release: 28-Apr-2015. University of Exeter. Marine ecosystems can be changed by night-time artificial lighting according to new research published in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters. The results indicate that light pollution from coastal communities, shipping and offshore infrastructure could be changing the composition of marine invertebrate communities. Researchers from the Universities of Exeter […]

ACTION ALERT: Tell EPA to pass strong new regulations on oil dispersants

EARTHJUSTICE ACTION ALERT: Almost 2 million gallons of toxic chemical dispersants were dumped in the Gulf of Mexico during the 2010 BP drilling disaster, to ”clean up“ the oil spill. Yet five years later, it’s clear that the chemicals didn’t get rid of the oil. Instead, they pushed much of it down under the surface, […]

April 8, 2015
Coral Camp Registration is now open!

Register today weeks are filling up fast. https://www.reefrelief.org/coral-camp-2015/

Studies: BP Spill Reduced Gulf Marine Life

Harvey Rice. Houston Chronicle. February 17, 2015 Oil from the Deepwater Horizon blowout in 2010 may have created a vast zone on the Gulf of Mexico floor where marine life is much sparser than before toxic petroleum settled there, according to studies presented Monday at a Houston conference on the BP oil spill. Sperm whales […]

Sunscreen Chemicals Could Be Hazardous To Marine Phytoplankton

August 22, 2014. redOrbit redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports – Your Universe Online Be careful with the sunscreen the next time you hit the beach for your vacation, as new research appearing in the journal Environmental Science & Technology suggests some ingredients in the protective substance could be harmful to some forms of marine life. […]

July 17, 2014
Young explorers prepare for reef trip: Day campers learn about marine ecosystem

  BY LIZZ CAREAGA Citizen Staff Twenty five enthusiastic young snorkelers soaked up the sun with goggles on their faces and fins on their feet. On Tuesday, day campers swam with faces slightly below the surface of the water at Fort Zachary Taylor beach testing out their equipment and preparing for two snorkeling trips to […]

Plastic waste causes USD 13 bln damage to marine ecosystem

From Tracy Gill – NOAA Federal Plastic waste causes USD 13 bln damage to marine ecosystem: UN http://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/plastic-waste-causes-usd-13-bln-damage-to-marine-ecosystem-un-114062400540_1.html Plastic waste causes an annual damage of USD 13 billion to the marine ecosystem, two UN reports have said and underlined the need of recycling and redesigning plastic products to bring multiple green economy benefits. "Plastic contamination […]

Ocean Sampling Day (OSD)

On June 21, 2014, the summer solstice, thousands of scientists will join together to participate in Ocean Sampling Day (OSD), an international collaboration to collect water samples from the ocean and rivers around the world. Within the water samples, scientists will also be collecting things so small that, in most cases, they are invisible to […]

June 3, 2014
Key Largo Elementary Discover Coral Reefs School Program

Another great trip and lesson with Key Largo Elementary as part of the Discover Coral Reefs School Program.  

February 21, 2014
Indonesia Launches World’s Biggest Manta Sanctuary

By Agence France-Presse on 12:28 pm February 21, 2014. Indonesia on Friday became home to the world’s biggest manta ray sanctuary covering millions of square kilometres, as it seeks to protect the huge winged fish and draw more tourists to the sprawling archipelago. New legislation gives full protection to the creatures across all the waters […]