Oceana Petition Loud seismic airgun testing for oil will hurt 138,500 marine mammals Seismic airgun testing for oil will injure 138,500 marine mammals, including dolphins and endangered right whales. These loud blasts can permanently deafen or even kill nearby wildlife. These deadly tests are the first step to offshore drilling in the Atlantic, which will […]
21 Feb 2014 Written by Press Release New Science is Essential to Protecting Marine Life from Seismic Testing for Oil and Gas WASHINGTON–(ENEWSPF)–February 21 – Today, more than 100 marine scientists and conservation biologists sent a letter to President Obama and his administration urging them to “use the best available science before permitting seismic surveys […]
Call your Representative today to stand up for our Atlantic wildlife Seismic airgun testing is used to find deep pockets of oil in the sea floor. The decibels produced by airgun blasts are loud enough to kill a human at close range. For marine life, like the endangered North Atlantic right whale, the stakes are […]