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January 23, 2014
A coastline of ‘critical’ habitat? Petition seeks to expand protection for endangered orcas

by SCOTT RASMUSSEN,  Journal of the San Juans  Jan 22, 2014 The amount of critical habitat afforded to the Southern Resident killer whales will grow by leaps and bounds, if the Center for Biological Diversity has its way. The Center last week filed a formal petition with the National Marine Members of the endangered Southern resident […]

Seabirds Study Shows Plastic Pollution Reaching Surprising Levels Off Coast of Pacific Northwest

ScienceDaily (July 4, 2012) — Plastic pollution off the northwest coast of North America is reaching the level of the notoriously polluted North Sea, according to a new study led by a researcher at the University of British Columbia. The study, published online in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin, examined stomach contents of beached northern […]